Hong Kong Green Run 2025

Event Schedule
Hong Kong
Green Run 2025
Feb 15 (Sat)
Event Start Time: 08:00
10k Race Time: 08:30
3k Race Time: 10:00
Event End Time: 12:00

Participants are required to start the race at their arranged time. Exact starting time will be announced at a later stage.

Green Run - Bib Number collection
UPDATED Arrangement
Bib Number Collection is now available for all Green Run participants. To collect your bib number, please see the details below:
Date & Time:
7 - 8 Feb 2025 (10am - 8pm) OR
Collect the bib on race day (7am - 9:30am)
Please refer to the email notification for the details
Room 301B, New World Tower 1, 18 Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong OR
Science Park, Charles K. Kao Auditorium, Science And Technology West Avenue
Please refer to the email notification for the details
Documents Required
1. QR Code of the Confirmation Email OR
2. Original/copy of your HKID card/Passport
1. Please provide the email ticket QR code or registered phone number when collecting the bib
Runners without a valid bib will not be allowed to enter the Start Area and participate in the race
Authorisation for Bib Collection
If a runner is unable to collect the bib in person, please arrange for a representative to collect it on their behalf.
The representative must bring the runner's email ticket QR code and an original or copy of their ID card or passport.
Green Run 2025 and Health Declarations
As a condition of my being permitted to compete in Green Run 2025 and any ancillary event or function (collectively “Event”), I confirm and declare to the Green Council (“the Organiser”) as follows:
1. I understand that by participating in the Event there are risks of injury, death, catching any contagious disease and / or loss. I am entering the Event entirely at my own risk and responsibility. I hereby discharge the Organiser and any other individual, organisation or company connected directly or indirectly with the Event or providing services or advices to me from any responsibility or liability in the event of my injury, death or loss of property sustained or incurred or contracting any contagious disease during my training for the Event, during the Event, or as a consequence of or while traveling to or from the Event.
2. I am and will be physically fit and capable of participating in and completing the Event, and I have been advised by a qualified medical practitioner that I can so participate.

Green Run - Route
Start Time: 08:30

Start Time: 10:00

Categories and Fees
Male/ Female
Age Group*
Member 1
5 - 15
Member 2
18 or above
16 - 29
30 - 39
40 - 49
50 or above
18 or above
Registration Fee
HKD 6000
(Per Team)
HKD 226
(Includes Member 1 & 2)
HKD 226

Male/ Female
Age Group*
18 or above
Member 1
10 - 18
Member 2
18 or above
16 - 29
30 - 39
40 - 49
50 or above
Registration Fee
HKD 6000
(Per Team)
HKD 226
(Includes Member 1 & 2)
HKD 226

^ Each team consists of 4-6 people. The winner will be decided by the fastest 4 members of the team. However, if 2 teams end up with the same race time, the fifth fastest member will decide the winner so forth. Each applicant can sign up for one team only. All team members must register on the same application form.
* For the actual year of the age, please refer to the list below:
18 or above
Family (3km)
Member 1 (5 - 15), Member 2 (18 or above)
Family (10km)
Member 1 (10 - 18), Member 2 (18 or above)
Individual (3km/ 10km)
16 - 29
30 - 39
40 - 49
50 or above

Rules and Regulations
Participants must complete the marked course on foot under their own power.
Participants will be disqualified if they do not start at the designated race category and start time assigned by Green Council. No result will be issued to those participants.
Prizes are non-transferrable and non-redeemable for cash.
On the race day, the winner’s list will be announced on-site. The judge has the final decision of the result. No appeal is allowed.
No pets or any form of wheel-run objects of transport, e.g. wheelchairs, bicycles, skates, trolleys, shoes with built-in or attached rollers, etc., are allowed on the course.
Dangerous goods (i.e. offensive weapons, flammable, explosive agents or materials/ objects which obstruct other participants, etc.) are strictly prohibited. Those who violate this rule will be asked to leave the course immediately, and such cases might be reported to Law Enforcement Agency.
Participants must leave the racecourse immediately if requested to do so by any member of the race official, medical staff, race director, referees or security staff.
Green Council reserves the right to make changes to the event rules and requirements, routes and/or other arrangements as they deem appropriate.
Time Limits:
10K Individual Race / 10K Green Corporate Team Race – 120 minutes
3K Individual Race / 3K Green Corporate Team Race – 60 minutes
3K Family Race – 60 minutes
1K Green Leaders Race (by invitation) – 30 minutes

Important Notice
Enrollment is first come, first served upon successful payment.
Participants must study the above "Rules and Regulations" carefully. Participants who completed the registration process agreed to abide by the Rules and Regulations of the race that has been signed up.
Once the entry is accepted, entry fee and submitted materials are non-refundable & non-transferable under any circumstances.
Repeated entries will be counted as a single entry. The extra fee is non-refundable and cannot be transferred to another applicant or race. Also, the submitted materials will not be returned.
Late or on-site enrollment will not be accepted.
Health and Safety Advice
Participants should make sure their health conditions are suitable for the strenuous race. In cases of doubt, please seek medical advice in advance.
Green Council will cover Public Liability Insurance only. Runners should be responsible for their own Personal Accident Insurance.
Weather and Cancellation Policy
If Red / Black Rainstorm or Typhoon Signal No.3 or above is hoisted at 5:00 am, the race will be cancelled. Should the above Inclement Weather Warnings be hoisted, the race will be cancelled and without a fallback date. All paid fee will not be refunded.
Please check the race day weather from the Hong Kong Observatory (Tel: 1878200).
Baggage Storage
A Baggage Storage Area will be provided. However, runners are advised not to bring any valuable items on the day. Green Council will not be responsible for any loss of personal property.
Should there be any emergencies or assistance needed during the event, participants shall contact the officials at the information centre.
Green Council reserves the right to amend or clarify the above terms and conditions.


Completion Medal and Gifts
All racers dressed in green and liked Hong Kong Green Day Facebook page can collect the completion medal and other race completion gifts after the race.
Will be issued to all participants via e-mail. Medals will be awarded to the Champion, 1st and 2nd runner-up of each category. Awards will only be presented on-site during designated time slots.
Other awards include:
Greenest Outfit Award
The most creative outfit with Green Element
Most Actively Involved Award (Corporations only)
Corporation with the highest number of participants